Biyernes, Marso 14, 2014

Being Thankful! :)

Oh, I've never been this happy and thankful. :) Okay so the story goes like this...

March 7, 2014 (Friday)
Oh, Friday! Please be kind to me. This is the last day of the week before the weekends. So please bear with me! Then on the morning, everything just went normal except for the fact that we're mostly excused in our classes since we've already took the final exam. Hooray for the last quarter!!! ^_^

So, me and Mia were bound to go to the faculty to pass our paper works until my teacher in Science had approached me. I thought (at first) that he was calling another person since we don't talk much unless he's going to tell me something important. And so he was like "Yurika, you should run for P.R.O." and he got seen-zoned. (As that is my term when I can't barely answer. Because he asks me too soon.) It goes something like this ;) 

 That was like my reaction. You know what I mean.

So it took me more than 10 seconds to answer. Until he was like, go to Ma'am M. to get your application form. I mean, you see I didn't even answered a word. But I nodded. 

 Until we went back to the faculty to help Joy, my classmate. Then my teacher was like " So, have you decided?" I was like... "I guess, there's no harm in trying." 

Then we finally fill up the form and passed it. So there you go! That's the story on how I got inspired to be elected as a P.R.O.

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